Thursday, September 19, 2013

The story of a Army wife

so no card for me yesterday didnt 
even have time to get this haul video up 
and edited till late last night ! 
yesterday was filled with meetings , hubby and paper work 
alot of my followers on my other blog and 
you tube channel know my story but i haven't really shared 
it with my new friends i have met here on this blog or my new 
so i thought i would explain a little bit 
this is my hubby 
this is three weeks to the day 
that he was blown up in iraq by 
3 IEDs 
this is the truck he was driving he barely made 
it out of  when 
he was struck with the road side 
this is two weeks after the blast 
hubby is getting his purple heart!
hubby is the one on the right 
the guys next to him is a man whos 
life my hubby saved 
this photo is another two weeks later
this is the first time i got to see him 
since the being wounded 
and its been a very long road since then three years 
have gone by hubby still has his issues and still needs alot
of care but he is home 
im am lucky when most wives whos 
husbands go threw what mine did come home in a 
casket. so i thank god every day !!!
about two 1/2 years into our new lives together
we were told about this great organization for 
wounded soldiers 
its called military warrior support foundation 
and we were told to apply to them 
and we did and guess what they pick us to 
give this big beautiful adaptive house
so some times i get a little big busy with life 
and some times i just dont have the time 
to make videos or even go in my craft room!
I love my craft room and i love all of my supporters 
and some times i feel like i let you down by not 
being around alot sometimes 
but when i can i always try and share and create
and think of you !
thanks for understanding and reading my story :-) 
toodles till the next post 
<3 Kimmie

1 comment:

  1. Kimmie I don't know about anyone else..I was a military I always understand.. and I always love when your around.. and crafting ... Life changed in a big way for you guys.. you roll with it so well. I have much respect for you both and wish I could help when needed.. You both are an inspiration for me. and Thanks to you both for the sacrifices you give daily.. Hugs
