Saturday, October 19, 2013

Veterans day card #2

Veterans Day is HUGE in my 
house I come from a long line of 
military members all the way back to the 
revolutionary war in 1776 members of my family can be 
traced to each American conflict we have ever 
had !!! 
and I kept the tradition alive and married a soldier of my own lol
so i need to get going on these cards i have alot to make 
befor November 11 
but here is card two i love how it turned out 
very simple but strait to the point !
so with out farther rambles 
here is some still photos and a detailed 
supply list 

toodles till next post!!

detailed supply list 

MFT - night shift blue 100 lb card stock 
recollections- detail white embossing powder 
paper inspirations stamp- hero 
teresa collins- far and away 6x6 pattern paper 
Tim Holtz- sizzix on the edge die ( star cluster) 
my printed sentiments and digital boot stamp 
( find your free copy below ) 
American crafts card stock in brick red 
zig millennium pen
versa mark ink
as promised in the video here
is the veterans day sentiments that you can just print out
on your computer or any office supply store 
it is totally created by me even the boots are a photo 
of hubbys army boots that i turned into a sketch
to print them off in the large format just print at the 8 x 10 format 
to get them smaller  print at the 4x6 format 
i printed both and can use them both ways 
i hope you enjoy them !!
just click on the picture it will enlarge then 
right click and save !

here is the video for this card in case you 
didn't find me from you tube 

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