Monday, September 16, 2013

card 5 of my 2013 halloween card series

welcome to card five of my 2013 
halloween card series 

sooooo i have to be honest !!! 
i think i may be addicted to whipper snapper stamps 
i went a bit nuts this month an bought a bunch of there 
new stamps to add to my collection 
its been a long while since i bought any 
i guess i sorta forgot about my collection till i did some cleaning in 
my craft room
i found sooo many cute stamps when i went on my mini 
shopping spree 

i guess i should just show you what im talking about with 
these stamps by showing you the card i created with 
hairy spider hehehe 

so here are the photos, supply list and video
 thanks for watching
till next post 

list of supply's i used 
stampin up- black card stock 
mft- orange fizz card stock 
doodle bug- halloween parade 6x6 collection 
crafters companion- ultra smooth white card stock 
(copic/spectrum noir quality) 
amy r stamps- witchful thinking 
( eek and happy halloween) 
whipper snapper designs - hairy spider 
spelbinders- classic circles LG 
paper artist dies - 8 scallops and circles 
martha stewart- spider web strip punch 
momento- tuxedo black 
versa fine- onyx black 
ranger- distress seedless perserves 
hand made hand dyed tye dyed seam binding 

copic markers used 
YR02, YR04, YR07
V12,V15, V17
YG11, YG25
C3, C5, C7 

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